For Immediate Release
Contact: +1.917.575.6600
February 16, 2011
Nick Calderazzo Opens New Company: Twin Travel Concepts, LLC
Kinderhook, NY –Tapping in to more than 30 years’ experience in tour and receptive services, Nick Calderazzo has opened Twin Travel Concepts. This new tour company will serve both the inbound market to the East Coast as well as outbound groups from the Northeast.
Calderazzo, who spent nearly 18 years with RMP Travel, plans to deftly react to the changing business landscape to help improve his clients’ bottom line profits. “Adaptability and being flexible so you can serve your clients’ needs are the keys to success in today’s environment,” Calderazzo said. “Only through listening carefully to your clients and peers can you create products that will sell. We all need experienced partners who give us that competitive edge.”
Calderazzo, a longtime member of NTA, the leading association for travel professionals, currently serves on the association’s board as secretary/treasurer. U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke also appointed Calderazzo to the Travel and Tourism Advisory Board. In this role, Calderazzo advises the Secretary on travel and tourism issues.
Capitalizing on this wealth of experience, Twin Travel Concepts launches a customer-centric approach by developing packaged-travel products to meet consumers’ ever-changing tastes and the ever-changing distribution of travel products.

Whatever your reason for traveling, we create group tours that set each program apart from the ordinary.
Let our experience and passion work for you. |